Alain Lai, CA (Singapore), CA (Malaysia), CPA (Australia)

Alain Lai, CA (Singapore), CA (Malaysia), CPA (Australia)

Audit Director

Alain is a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (“ISCA”), a member of CPA Australia, Malaysia Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) and Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountant (“MICPA”). He graduated from Universiti Utara Malaysia (“UUM”), Malaysia with a Bachelor of Accountancy degree.

Alain has more than 15 years of experience working in Big Four and mid-tier audit firms in Singapore and Malaysia. Throughout his career, he has extensive experience in the audits of listed, non-listed companies and multinational companies in various industries. His main areas of focus include retail, fast moving consumer products, property development, mining, manufacturing, shipping, education and healthcare.

Mr. Alain oversees and guides the audit team, providing technical support and delivering audit services that adhere to Singapore’s Financial Reporting Standards and Auditing Standards.

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